Meet the Owner!


Never give up on your dreams. No matter how many times you may fail. No matter how many times you may need to start over and over…AND OVER. Only you can bring your vision to life, so it is imperative that you keep pressing on towards the mark, and see it through to the end. Don’t be fooled, there is NO time limit on success. If you can see it, you can touch it and obtain it. Only greatness lies ahead in view. Be BOLD. Be FREE. Be YOU! 



So many have asked,

“What is the meaning behind Kulture Shok Clothing?”


Kulture Shok Clothing was birthed from witnessing the heartbreaking lack of compassion around us all, and the desperate need for cultural appreciation NOT appropriation. People are grasping at anything they can possibly relate to, and the money hungry can smell the blood in the water.

The streets are being lined daily with people hurting and in need. They need mental and emotional help, but are looked down upon like yesterdays discarded assets. Others, struggle in silence unseen.

The embrace of culture has been devastatingly absent. What was once celebrated and encouraged, has now since been forced into hiding. In its place, a less ricy, watered down version of the truth. 

Kulture Shok Clothing is here to forever change that narrative. We not only want to help those lost to societies “cultural norms,” but those in need of actual assistance. Which is why we are continuously donating a portion of the proceeds from, to the formation of the HDN Gemz Foundation.

At The HDN Gemz Foundation, the homeless and mentally ill will be evaluated, clothed, fed, housed and assisted with finding employment. Together, we can be the change. A purchase from KSC means help for those in need!